5 Tips to you when you eat breakfast

5 Tips to you when you eat breakfast

In order to enjoy the health and vitality of activity throughout the day and offer you a few tips for you before you eat breakfast

1 - In order to avoid lack of vitamins in your body, you have to avoid white bread as much as possible. Where the phenomenon has led demands for white bread flour to purification, even rang the death diet of flour, white bread as that becomes an abstract of the most important elements of a dietary fiber and protein and amino mental and vitamins and minerals the main and sub​​. This is preferably plain bread to retain vitamins the body

2 - Try to eat the meal your breakfast oatmeal is a useful and healthy It has a fiber feeder, in half a cup of oats, quick preparation you get 4 grams of fiber, has proven research that lovers of oats they can lighten the level of LDL cholesterol, and improve insulin resistance so try to eat oatmeal for breakfast or cereal corn flex Flex with yogurt and a spoonful of honey, this is an optimal Breakfast

3 - Eat breakfast as much as possible lettuce and tomato option to co-opt them to iron it is necessary to carry oxygen to the muscles and therefore will feel active throughout the day as it is necessary to burn fat

4 - Do not eat breakfast creamy or overeat on the pretext that you will not be able to eat again until the end of the day when you return to the house that he must eat throughout the day to build muscle , and maintain the speed of the metabolism , as well as regulate the level of sugar in the blood , and provide the body with substances food , in addition to the need to exercise , eat a light meal two hours after breakfast , and two hours after lunch , then dinner , and must contain all snack or lunch on protein and carbohydrates , while the snack after exercise Sports should contain a large amount of carbohydrates , in addition to the protein so that it helps the body to regenerate cells and tissues .

5 - You can be replaced with coffee or tea drinks other useful for your body, we know that coffee and tea have benefits for your body but you are covered under a daily basis and deprive your body to take advantage of other beverages you can drink alternatives and provide you with useful for them to health

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