Pictures stronger bites 10 different animals to predators

Pictures stronger bites 10 different animals to predators

We'll show you a list of the strongest bites ten different animals to predators of the animal kingdom. Bite force is measured in inches squared. There is one exception Wild white shark research has not been around to see the ranking of the most powerful animals bite and sting.

10 - Lion 600 psig

King of the Jungle (although it don't live in the woods), the lion is a species of cats, a social species in the world. Assad has a weaker bite where the capture of prey by strangling the prey of the trachea, it lacks the bite is strong. Black usually hunt their prey at night.

9 - Tiger 1050 psig

Tiger is the largest species of the cat family, the tiger hunter confinement. Tigers tend to prey bites also from the throat to reduce the flow of air and blood in the head of the prey. Has a stronger bite than twice Assad. Tiger always Maitjunb humans, but have been reported attacks on humans and livestock all over the world

8 - Hyena 1100 psig

Most sources say bite the hyena about 1100 pounds per square inch, but Wikipedia says it is 11400, the hyena of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom, has been observed that when crushed bones of a giraffe. Although the hyenas look like dogs, are actually closer to the family cats.

7 - Bear 1200 psig

Brown Bear and knows this kind in North America, which is characterized by its size Incredible, and despite its size, the speed up to 56 km / h. Brown bear is more aggressive than other bears. Also, these bears can not climb trees so it has evolved its own defense mechanism
To catch prey, can be very dangerous to humans, especially if you are close to their young.

6 - Gorilla 1300 psig

The gorilla has jaws adapted primarily for chewing difficult plants such as bamboo. Described gorillas as one of the monsters scary, but in recent years began to change a little bit this picture and named (Gentle Giant) Gorilla closer in shape to chimpanzees, and their numbers are shrinking rapidly and thus they are threatened with extinction. Can climb trees, live in the ground in the form of groups of 30 people and led by the eldest male. Gorillas tend to be thin and does not pose danger to humans.

5 - Hippo 1821 psig

Hippo is one of the most fearsome animals in Africa. It is also known for aggressive animals beaten to boats and attack the crew has been measuring the bite of the female, which is very hostile for the male. In Greece they called (Water Horse) and the love of the animal access to water. Belong to the Knights of the river system Artiodactyla, which includes hoofed, are similar in that, camels, cattle, horses and goats.

4 - Tiger (Jaguar) 2,000 pounds per square inch

Jaguar has the strongest bite of any kind of cats and is regarded as the real king of the jungle, was found in Mexico to Argentina. Jaguar kills its prey mainly by biting, characterized by murder confinement, known for its ability to kill crocodiles and anacondas. Believed to have been eliminated in the southern United States for more than 100 years ago, and there are rumors of a population in Arizona education.

3 - American alligator 2125 psig

American alligator is one of only two types of crocodile few in the world, and the other is the Chinese alligator. Resides with a population estimate of 5 million to 1.2 million live in the state of Florida. Include: Florida, Texas, Louisiana, and North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Depends on their diet of fish, turtles, small mammals. In a recent study conducted by the National Geographic has a bite that is estimated at 2125 pounds per square inch.

2 - saltwater crocodile 3700 psig

Found such monsters from eastern India to Southeast Asia and North Buffalo Astragliatngzy on the sea and sharks.

1 - Nile crocodile 5000 psig

Most sources say that the Nile crocodile has a bite of 5,000 pounds per square inch. Depends on its food to eat fish, birds, hippos and anything can pass in front of him. And now you think whichever raises fear and dread this More

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