Golden Bay

Golden Bay

Golden Bay

Golden Bay is a shallow.

It is known for being a popular tourist destination, because of its good weather and relaxed, friendly lifestyle.
The west and northern regions of the bay are largely unpopulated.

Golden Bay

In December 2011, it  was hit by heavy rain and flooding, which affected many homes , a popular isolated tourist destination was badly damaged and was reopened on 29 June 2012. The floods meant a loss of custom for many shops and businesses in the peak tourist season. 

Golden Bay

Its beaches are popular locations for retirees and holiday-homes.

It is located in the Tasman Region, one of the territorial authorities of New Zealand.

Golden Bay

Dutch explorer Abel Tasman anchored in this bay in 1642. In the 1840s, following the discovery of coal in the region, it was known as Coal Bay. Then, in the 1850s, with the discovery of gold in Collingwood, its name was changed to the current name of Golden Bay.

Golden Bay


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