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Lake Edward Lake Edward is the smallest of the African Great Lakes. It is located in the Albertine Rift, on the border bet...
life is very complicated don't try to find answers because when you find answers life changes the questi...
Lake Hillier Lake Hillier, is a lake on Middle Island, it is the largest of the islands that make up the Recherche Archipe...
Yogurt treasure full of benefits, not neglecting If you love eating yogurt from time to time, you should know that what ar...
Mount Pinatubo Mount Pinatubo Mount Pinatubo is an active volcano located on the island of Luzon. It is located in the Cab...
the more we think of the future the more we forget the present always remember: no matter where we are going it st...
Maly Semyachik Maly Semyachik Maly Semyachik is a volcano located in the eastern part of Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia....
Okapi Okapi Okapia found in Ituri Rainforest, located in Congo, in Central Africa. Although the okapi bear striped marki...
Ten reasons to eat healthy apples Do you know what are the health benefits of apples? If you do not learn this Alfoid here are ...
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